



  If there is a word that is istic of American politics as practiced in the last two decades, it is "spin". When political operatives interpret an event for reporters or TV cameras so as to gain the greatest possible public advantage for the politician they are supporting -- or to lessen the damage -- they are said to be "spinning" the news or putting a favorable "spin" on it. Campaigning politicians now have staffers in their entourage whose major function is to perform this service. The most adept spinners are known humorously as "spinmeisters"; the presidential press secretary is always a prime example of this species.

  If you watch something, say a toy top, being spun for too long, you"re likely to get dizzy. That is what seems to have happened to the elderly man in Wayne Stayskal"s cartoon. Sitting in his armchair during the last, frantic weeks of the presidential campaign (and there are many other important campaigns going on at the same time, remember), he has witnessed one staffer or partisan pundit after another on his TV screen spinning, spinning, spinning each new development.



  This past week, for instance, it was reported that a huge quantity of explosives had gone missing in Iraq. Had these hundreds of tons of explosives actually fallen into the hands of insurgents (spin) under the noses of US soldiers (spin) because President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld had sent too few troops into Iraq (spin) to do the job? Or was it not clear that the explosives had ever existed (spin), or that there were so many tons of them (spin), or that they were truly unaccounted for (spin), or that they had been absconded with (spin)? Was their disappearance the upshot of Rumsfeld"s inpetence (spin) and Bush"s blind arrogance (spin)? Have Republican leaders been inadvertently arming (spin hard) the enemies of America or of democracy (spin)? Or have Democrats yet again been elessly (spin) or traitorously (spin at very high speed!) seeking partisan advantage from the travails of America"s heroes (spin) in Iraq?

  The polls indicate that Americans will turn out to vote in huge numbers on Tuesday,中韓翻譯; the election may well be a cliff-hanger. If there is any repeat of the confusion four years ago over who won in Florida, Yanks everywhere can expect to be sucked into a hurricane of media spinning in the weeks to e. Wayne Stayskal"s senior citizen had better prepare himself for the cyclone.



