

課文詳注 Further notes on the text


1.untidy,治,不整齊。  un-是前綴,表示“not”這類可認的意義。


2.air the room,給房間統統風。




語法 Grammar in use



must是一個神態助動詞,表現“必须”、“應該”,与have to類似,流露表現不成躲避的任務。正正在談話人看往,不抉擇余天。但是,must帶有小我俬傢顏色,表示措辭人的主不雅观意图。暗示小我感情時通經常应用must。You must…(你必须……)默示讲話人說/以為……是须要的。如:


You must sweep the floor.  您必须掃天。(我說那有須要)


辭匯進建 Word study





       Let's go out and breathe some fresh air.  我們進來吸吸里新穎空氣吧。




       He likes to stay in the open air.  他愛幸亏戶中呆著。




      Open the windows and air the room.  翻開窗戶使房間透風。


      Leave the trousers on the washing-line to air. 把褲子掛到晾衣繩上往晾坤。



(1)v. 使空;把…倒出(移出):


      Empty the bottle of milk. 倒光瓶裏的牛奶。


      They emptied the house.  他們把屋宇搬空了。


(2)v. 流出;走出:


      The river emptied itself into the sea.  河水流進大年夜海。


      It was raining, and the streets began to empty.  齐國起了雨,街上的行人開端稀少了。


(3)adj. 空的:


      There are some empty bottles in the refrigerator.  冰箱裏有一些空瓶子。


      Her purse is empty.  她的錢包是空的。


(4)adj. 充實的,無意义的:


      It's an empty dream.  這是個不事實的空想。


      Officials were flattered by empty complements.  平易近員們被空氾的阿谀話弄得旧道熱腸裏好滋滋的。


(5)adj. 呆板的,毫無臉色的:


      She looked at him with empty eyes.  她木然地看著他。


      He said all this in an empty voice.  他用一種機器的音調說了這一切。


訓練謎底 Key to written exercises

Lesson 30



1 Clean it!

2 Shut it!

3 Open it!



1 Shut the door!

2 Open the window!

3 Put on your shirt!

4 Take off your shoes!

5 Turn on the stereo!

6 Turn off the tap!


7 Sweep the floor!

8 Clean the blackboard!

9 Dust the cupboard!

10 Empty the cup!

11 Read this magazine!

12 Sharpen these knives!

